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Icon Homes

BRIEF – Grow our mailing list with quality leads for prime real estate investments, and make a system that automatically nurtures and qualifies them.

‘Optiversion grew our mailing list from 264 to 3720 highly qualified leads. Several are now investors and clients.’

Carl Nicholai Finstad
CEO, Icon Homes


ISUN Skincare

BRIEF – Rebrand our organic skincare line to reflect its quality. Create a look and marketing that attracts the world’s most exclusive SPAs.

‘We have close to doubled our sales, won awards, and signed new clients like Raffles in Singapore after working with Optiversion.’

Bunnie Gulick
Founder, ISUN Skincare


Sheila Gomes

BRIEF – Build an online business system that allows me to work remotely with my Norwegian coaching and yoga clients.

‘My website automatically sells video courses and sends me leads who are ready for 1-1 coaching. Now I have more time for my clients. And my family.’

Sheila Gomes
Coach and teacher